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Chemistry and Physics Seminar Description 

8/27/24 – 5/8/25

 Join us for a year long journey as students explore the properties of matter and the basic building blocks of life! In addition to learning about atoms and molecules, this explosive course will introduce students to various physics concepts such as the laws of motion and thermodynamics! This course, taught from a biblical worldview, begins with the study of chemistry followed by exploring energy and its many forms, and finishes with a look at simple machines. This Charlotte Mason inspired live instruction drop-off class meets weekly and is appropriate for *5th/6th graders. Our class time is spent reinforcing our studies through hands-on activities, projects, labs, note-booking, and quite possibly a field trip or two! 

*Under certain circumstances, a fourth grade student could be considered for this course. 

Tutor: Amber Beets
Days: Wednesdays from 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Location: Home in North Mt. Pleasant
Cost: $70 / month 
Lab Fee: $200 (one time)

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Additional Information:

  • This is a weekly drop-off class and regular attendance is imperative to a student’s success in the course. It is for this reason we ask that you carefully consider this before enrolling.

  • Though all labs and activities are completed in class, there will be required homework and occassional projects that will be assigned throughout the week to complete prior to returning for the next class. 

  • Parents will be responsible for purchasing the text. Used, discounted texts can be purchased through me.

  • A basic supply list will be provided to all enrolled families. 

  • This is a tutor graded course & reports will be given twice a year.  

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